How Effective Is Your Content Marketing? If you’re not where you want to be, now is a great time to make changes. Here are a few proven ways you can improve your content marketing. Know Your Audience How well do you know your audience or the audience you want to attract? Many content marketers use […]
Top 10 Reasons Why You Need a Copy Editor
How a Copy Editor Can Improve Your Writing We writers are a finicky bunch. We love our little darlings and we grow attached to our words. It makes sense, writing is our art. Whether you are writing a full-on manuscript or you are creating sales copy, newsletters, or white papers, consider adding a copy editor […]
You Can Write The Best Headlines
5 Ways to Make Them Click for More You wrote your blog post. You’re ready to hit publish. Who will read it? Well, I have bad news and good news. The bad news is, fewer people will read it than you think. The good news is more people will read your headline than you think, […]
5 Ways to Write a Great Blog Post
How to Get it Right Every Time Company blogs and blog posts have become valuable marketing tools for many savvy marketers. Blog posts are designed to increase trust, generate leads, build brand awareness, and create community. The best company blogs are engaging, deliver value, and align with a company’s business strategy. It can be a […]
Why You Need a Professional Copywriter
It’s your business, right? You know it best. So . . . you should write about it. Right? Wrong. You do know your business best, but unless you are a professional copywriter, why would you write your website content? I love photography, especially great headshots. Yet, in every selfie I take, I have seven […]